
Monday, January 25, 2010

3 weeks in asia: part 4.3

this is our final day, number 21 (i think dec 16th).  we needed to check out of our guest house, but needed cash.  the owner was very kind and gave me a ride to an atm.  scooters/motorcycles scare me, but i sucked it up.

we found breakfast at a place called le tigre de papier and i got a coconut.
we went to angkor thom again and saw a lot of different things.  i hope that i label them correctly.  the first part is bauphon.

we took some of the smaller paths to get around and got to see things like these.

i think this is phimeanakas.

preah palilay.

tep pranam.  i think this would have been better if the trees hadn't been decapitated.

this is the terrace of the leper king, but we were down in the walls below the terrace.

terrace of elephants.


here are a few of the prasat suor prat, the houses of the twelve wives.

north kleang.
preah prithu.
upon leaving we stopped to see some of these monkeys(?).  this kid came up and tried to sell us bananas insisting that the monkeys liked them and that they wouldn't bite.  i laughed as the monkeys tried to steal the bananas and told the kid that they can and should find their own food.

they are on the back of my seat.
we got one last meal in siem reap before heading to the airport.

we flew to bangkok and stayed the night in the airport before catching our flight back to korea.  we found some recliners to crash in, which worked out quite nice.

we got back to korea fairly late and caught a bus down to hyunjoo's in yongin.  i didn't sleep at all and made sure all of my bags were packed for the stateside return.  i was pretty worn out and slept the majority of the flights back.

i would have to say that hong kong, chiang mai and siem reap are places that i would visit again.