
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

sunday, part 1 군 평 항 (gun pyeong hang )

the first half of sunday consisted of research for my trip to shanghai. i then took an hour ride to eat lunch at 군 평 항 (gun pyeong hang), a port on the west coast.
to start, you walk past all of these vendors trying to sell you their seafood and you choose what you want. from flounder and leopard toad fish that live on the bottom in the mud?...

and stingray...

and big prawns...

and something very phallic that i assume lives in the mud?

then you walk over to the restaurant. as you go the staff come running by with plates of raw fish.

right after you sit down they bring over a plate of raw octopus whose tentacles are still moving. grandma gets dizzy spells and eating octopus is the remedy.

next out are about six plates of shellfish and other filter feeding sea creatures (some raw, some cooked), raw carrots, garlic, seaweed, soybeans, hot peppers, salad, kimchi, etc...

watch this...

then two huge plates of raw fish come out and after you've made your way through half of that,...

an enormous bowl of 칼국수 (kal guk su) arrives.

i'm quite sure that this is what i looked like the entire time.

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